Pathologist Larissa - Biopsy Histological Examinations - Biopsy Larissa - Rapid Biopsy Larissa - Pathological Laboratory Larissa

Pathologist Larissa - Biopsy Histological Examinations - Biopsy Larissa - Rapid Biopsy Larissa - Pathological Laboratory Larissa

21154 Visitors:
Address: 65, Al. Panagouli str
Area: Larisa
Telephone: 2410554335
Mobile: 6932836376
P.C.: 41223
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
The Private Diagnostic Laboratory of Pathologist Skordas P. Vassilios was founded in March 1997 in Larissa. After 15 years of operation in Neophytos and Palamas, it relocated in December 2012 to 65 Panagouli Street where it operates until today. During this period, both the building structure and the medical equipment were upgraded to provide health services with professionalism, accountability and reliability. The Laboratory is staffed by Technologists of Medical Laboratories, while th...
21154 Visitors:

65, Al. Panagouli str, Larisa

21154 Visitors:

The Private Diagnostic Laboratory of Pathologist Skordas P. Vassilios was founded in March 1997 in Larissa.

After 15 years of operation in Neophytos and Palamas, it relocated in December 2012 to 65 Panagouli Street where it operates until today.

During this period, both the building structure and the medical equipment were upgraded to provide health services with professionalism, accountability and reliability.

The Laboratory is staffed by Technologists of Medical Laboratories, while the responsible physician is Skordas Vassilios, specialist in Pathologist MSc.


Pathologist Larissa biopsies of the gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, colon, small intestine and colon)
Pathologist Larissa biopsies of the urinary system (prostate, bladder)
Pathologist Larissa genital biopsies (cervical biopsies, loop or cone cervical excision, diagnostic abrasion material)
Pathologist Larissa biopsy of skin lesions or tumors
Pathologist Larissa loop biopsies
Pathologist Larissa breast biopsies
21154 Visitors:

65, Al. Panagouli str

Telephone: 2410554335
Mobile: 6932836376

Working Hours
